
Longford dog owners hoping to secure 'Nose of Tralee' title

A refreshed Rory McIlroy volition seek to put his Open Title heartache behind him as he focuses on the "weird" task of winning a tape third FedEx Cup title.

McIlroy held a two-shot atomic number 82 midway through the final round at St Andrews and carded a bogey-costless closing 70, only that was non enough to end his eight-year major championship drought.

Australia's Cameron Smith claimed the Claret Jug afterwards firing eight birdies – including five in a row from the 10th – to menu his 2d 64 of the week and stop 20 nether par, chirapsia the previous best of 19 under on the Quondam Class set up by Tiger Woods in 2000.

"That nighttime was tough," McIlroy admitted in a pre-tournament press conference ahead of the FedEx St Jude Championship.

"The few days after information technology were OK I estimate. Information technology probably took me three or iv days to sort of get dorsum to myself again. But I remember what softened the blow a piffling fleck is I felt I didn't lose information technology.

"The fact that Cam went out and shot 30 on the back 9, that made it a little easier to become over. Information technology's not as if I went out there, shot 75. I went and played a solid round of golf, didn't go as much out of it every bit I was hoping for, only I recall because of how I played, information technology made it I guess just a little easier to become over."

Asked if he was left wondering just what he has to practice to claim a fifth major title, McIlroy added: "No, I remember it's more if I keep playing similar that in major championships, the law of averages suggests that I'm going to get myself dorsum in the winner's circumvolve eventually.

"I played actually solid, I shot 18 nether par around St Andrews for four days and it wasn't quite good enough to get the task washed. If I keep playing the way I've been playing in the bigger tournaments, again, every bit I said, the constabulary of averages would advise that I'thou going to go myself a trophy at some indicate."

McIlroy revealed that he took two weeks off later the Open, joking that he "didn't bear upon a guild, didn't see the inside of a gym, probably didn't eat a vegetable".

But the world number 3 got dorsum to business at domicile in Florida last calendar week every bit he bids to become the showtime player to win three FedEx Cup titles and merits the 18million Usa dollars (£14.9million) bonus.

The thespian with the virtually FedEx Cup points starts the season-ending Tour Title on 10 under par, with the 2d-highest points earner on eight under and then on, on a sliding calibration.

"It's a weird one. It's like you have to play consistently good golf game over the form of a 30-week flavour and and so yous accept to become hot at the cease of information technology over again as well," added McIlroy, who is currently sixth in the standings.

"I retrieve it'due south hard to win, peculiarly with the format in Atlanta now because it really gives an reward to the guys that have played well leading upwards to the Tour Championship."

Onetime Masters champion Hideki Matsuyama has withdrawn from this week'due south event with a neck injury.


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