
What Is The Ethnic Makeup Of Liberals

Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca at an event announcing Jason Farr as the Liberal candidate in the riding of Hamilton East-Stoney Creek in Hamilton on April 18, 2022.

Liberals would publish ethnicity statistics for Ontario's police forces, Del Duca says

Calling for more diversity amongst police officers, Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca says he would crave chiefs to release annual statistics showing the ethnic breakdowns of their forces and provide more funding to hire officers from under-represented groups.

Calling for more than variety among constabulary officers, Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca says he would require chiefs to release annual statistics showing the indigenous breakdowns of their forces and provide more funding to hire cops from under-represented groups.

The promises were part of a packet to combat racism unveiled Wednesday as Del Duca campaigned in Toronto for the June 2 election. Del Duca also pledged to pass the NDP's Our London Family Act, proposed after a Muslim family from the southwestern Ontario city was killed past a motorist final spring.

"At that place are far as well many Ontarians who are held back, who are limited considering nosotros continue to confront significant racism, discrimination and hate," he said with several GTA candidates gathered around.

Del Duca would not say how much money a Liberal government would put into hiring more racialized police force officers, promising details when his party releases a "fully costed" election platform.

New Democrat Leader Andrea Horwath said the failure of Premier Doug Ford's Progressive Conservative government to pass her party'southward anti-Islamophobia neb before the election means they "cannot encounter how urgent this is, and that we need to act now to gear up what matters."

Just the Conservatives maintain the Our London Family Human activity, crafted past the NDP with the National Quango of Canadian Muslims, requires comeback.

"What we saw happen in London, I call up nosotros all agree, was a tragedy, and at that place is a tremendous amount of work that nosotros have to exercise," Government Business firm Leader Paul Calandra said in the legislature last week.

"The bill needs to be strengthened. In the current format it does not do what I recall nosotros all collectively want it to do. The minister of citizenship and multiculturalism has been working directly with stakeholders to ensure that the bill gets strengthened. It doesn't cease only considering an ballot is called."

The NDP legislation would crave a provincial review of hate crimes and hate-motivated incidents, create "condom zones" around religious institutions, curb white supremacist groups by preventing them from registering as "societies," and establish an anti-racism and advocacy council.

Del Duca said the Liberals would likewise extend the time period for submitting homo rights complaints to 5 years from one, dedicate a cabinet post to fighting racism, pass new laws to protect places of worship from "violence and intimidation," contrary cuts to anti-racism programs and give law more "regular" preparation in de-escalation, cultural sensitivity and mental health.

He pointed to the wounding of five Muslim men in a bulldoze-by shooting in the Markham Road and Lawrence Avenue East on Saturday as an case of racism. Toronto police have said the hate offense unit is investigating it, although a local Muslim association told the Star it does not believe detest was a motive.

While the regime has said the province will end "streaming" of students in Grade nine starting in September, Del Duca said he would end it in Grades 9 and 10 in public schools.

Enquiry has shown the long-continuing practice of streaming students into "academic" or "applied" courses disproportionately impacts Black, other racialized and low-income students, and harms their chances of graduating and going on to college levels of learning.

Del Duca also said he would set up aside $5 million to help Black historical sites and community centres and provide $x million in grants to Black entrepreneurs and small businesses if voters choose him to replace Ford as premier.

The former transportation government minister is seeking to regain his old riding of Vaughan-Woodbridge, which he lost to PC cabinet minister Michael Tibollo in 2018. That ballot gave Ford a majority government and reduced the Liberals to 3rd identify in the legislature with too few MPPs to savour official party status.


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