
Is It Safe To Use Calamine Lotion Under Makeup

Calamine balm has been the go-to solution for inflamed and itchy peel for decades. Your grandparents used information technology, your parents reach for it, and you probably have a bottle of it tucked abroad somewhere.

Only for all of its fame, well-nigh people still go dislocated about how calamine lotion works or when to use it. Equally we continue through summertime—a.m.a. prime calamine balm flavor thanks to irritating bug bites—acquire exactly how the anti-itch cream works and the skin problems it helps soothe.

What is calamine lotion, exactly?

Calamine lotion is a topical ointment that'southward designed to assistance relieve itchy skin. The lotion is unremarkably geared toward treating rashes acquired by poison ivy, poisonous substance oak, and poison sumac, merely information technology has more uses than that.

"Calamine lotion has been around for hundreds of years and is known for its thick, soothing consistency and pink colour," says board-certified dermatologist Ife J. Rodney, M.D., founding director of Eternal Dermatology and Aesthetics in Maryland.

Calamine lotion contains a mixture of predominantly zinc and atomic number 26 salts, says Joshua Zeichner, M.D., director of cosmetic and clinical research at the Icahn Schoolhouse of Medicine at Mountain Sinai in New York City. The master ingredients are zinc oxide and iron oxide, but every brand of calamine lotion is a little different—some can too incorporate ingredients like calcium hydroxide, carrageenan, glycerin, and water.

How does calamine lotion work?

calamine lotion next to cotton balls

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Calamine lotion is a powerhouse product. It tin help reduce the need to scratch, preclude infection, dry out oils, and clean your pare, Dr. Zeichner says. "It has been used for centuries for its anti-itch, severe, and antiseptic properties," he says.

I of the lotion's main ingredients—topical zinc oxide—is a popular ingredient used for wound healing, Dr. Rodney explains. "It helps regenerate cells and slows down the degradation of collagen," proteins that keep skin strong, she says. "Information technology besides has anti-inflammatory properties." Meanwhile, iron oxide (which is responsible for that signature pink color) also helps with peel protection and healing, she says.

"This zinc oxide is soothing, and the iron oxide is what makes it drying," New York City lath-certified dermatologist Doris 24-hour interval, M.D.. While she promotes its drying backdrop, she prefers using hydrocortisone cream for itchiness, instead.

When should you use calamine lotion?

Overall, Dr. Zeichner says that calamine balm "tin can be used for almost whatever type of itchy rash and is very low gamble." If you want to get specific, though, Dr. Rodney says you can use calamine lotion to treat a range of dissimilar of skin bug:


Calamine lotion helps with soothing and irritation—like astringent blisters and rashes that can come on as a consequence of shingles, and is often suggested to be used along with an anti-viral medication your doc will prescribe, says Dr. Rodney. "For the unbearable itch, apply a modest amount of calamine lotion to the rash and [avoid] scratching at all costs," she adds.


While this illness requires a prescription resolve it, help keep your little i (or yourself!) from itching with some calamine lotion. "It tin assist with the itchy spots of chickenpox. It does non make them resolve any more than quickly, merely it does help save the itching," says Dr. Rodney.


Calamine lotion tin can help "cool the affected expanse and reduce irritation," Dr. Rodney says. If y'all have hives, utilize a cloth to utilize the balm to the area and permit it dry.

Poison ivy, oak, or sumac

"The anti-inflammatory properties help with the irritation and inflammation," says Gary Goldenberg, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mountain Sinai in New York Urban center. "It likewise absorbs the oozing that occurs from the blisters." If you accept a mild case of poison ivy, Dr. Rodney recommends washing the area with warm h2o then applying the lotion to relieve the itch.

Mosquito bites (or any itchy problems bite)

Calamine lotion "helps with the itching and irritation of bites," Dr. Goldenberg says. Whatever you do, resist the urge to scratch. "Stop scratching the bump and apply a small-scale corporeality of calamine lotion to the affected area," Dr. Rodney says. "Reapply as needed, minimizing scratching as much every bit possible."

      How to employ calamine lotion

      On a basic level, y'all'll desire to clean the expanse with soap and water before y'all apply calamine lotion. Then, shake up the bottle and dab the lotion onto the affected skin with a cotton ball, cotton fiber swab, or cloth. Go along in mind, though, that y'all don't want to apply it to open or raw skin. (Do not ingest the stuff, and avoid applying it around the eyes or mucous membranes, like the inside of your oral cavity, olfactory organ, or genitals.)

      If you employ calamine balm and your rash or crawling isn't improving later several days, Dr. Zeichner says information technology'due south fourth dimension to phone call your doctor, who may recommend a prescription-strength cream instead.

      Looking to add some to your medicine cabinet? Try one of these to ease your itch:

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