How To Draw A School Easy Step By Step
If you want to learn how to draw a school, this basic version is a good place to start. You can always customize it with your own school name and colors.

Schools come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, of course. But as students learn about the world around them, and try to capture it on paper, they might need help when it comes to drawing something like a basic school.
For those that need an idea of what at average school might look like, this one might do. It is a couple of stories tall, has lots of windows, and some fun brick color too. Perhaps most importantly, there's lots of room to customize the name of the school on top.
If anyone has trouble getting the name to fit in one line, they could always make the rectangle taller by moving the bottom edge down closer to the windows. Goodness knows that you need a lot of space even just to write "Elementary School", let alone any wording before it!
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Materials for How to Draw a School

- Pencil. The Ticonderoga brand are the most reliable, make nice dark lines when you need them, and are the easiest to erase. Buying the pre-sharpened ones will save busy teachers a lot of time.

- Eraser. Large ones you can hold in your hand do a much better job than just the pencil tip erasers, especially when erasing leftover pencil lines after tracing.

- Black Sharpie Marker. These fine point permanent marker pens make nice black outlines, have a good tip for coloring, and never bleed when they get wet. Use them with good ventilation and add extra paper underneath to protect your tables.

- Prang Crayons. These are a bit softer than other crayons so they sometimes look like oil pastels. They also have a some nice brown shades that Crayola does not have unless you buy their larger boxes.

- Crayola Crayons. The reliable brand that always works well. The 24 pack has some of my favorite golden orange and yellow colors that seem a bit richer and warmer than the ones Prang has.
Directions for How to Draw a School Step by Step
Time needed:1 hour.
How to Draw a School
- Draw a centered rectangle and a roof line.
- Add a side and roof to either side.
- Draw a door and rectangle for sign.
- Add rows of windows to the center.
- Draw windows on the right side.
- Add matching windows to the left side.
- Add brick details and a school name.
- Draw some background landscaping.
- Trace with a black marker and color.
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How To Draw A School Easy Step By Step
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