
How To Create Dynamic Stamp In Adobe Acrobat

  • Custom dynamic buffer to the Signature of 'living '.

    I use Acrobat Pro DC. I would like to create custom stamps based on a stamp, that must be used in the shop. The patch requires a webcam live signature and the date. Is it possible to create a custom dynamic stamp that loads an image of a signature of people with the current date?

    Thank you

    To edit a stamp, you need to know where it is stored as a PDF file (all stamps are stored in PDF files with one or several pages and pages of real stamp identified as "page templates"). There are two options for which these stamps are stored: in the level stamp of user directory, or the stamp of application-level directory. Where are these directories depends on your version of Acrobat, your operating system (and version), and the type of computer you are using (32-bit or 64-bit).

    Assume that you use Acrobat 11 on Windows 7, 8 or 10, then the level user directory would be as follows:


    Application-level directory would be (that's a 32-bit system - the 64-bit system référenceriez "Program Files (x 86)"):

    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Annotations\Stamps\ENU

    Your files of stamp will names cryptic when you created them through the Acrobat stamp tool (and in this case, they would be also found in the directory of user level).

    To add a form field with Adobe Acrobat DC, you must start the form editor after the stamp file loading. "You do it via Tools > form prepare"-once active, you will find the fields of different shape on the toolbar:

    Once you have added a field, you can display its properties by right-clicking on the field (which implies that the form editor is still active), and then select 'Properties' from the menu. After that, you should be able to add your date script as script custom logic in the tab "calculate."

  • Adding buttons that make my dynamic stamp

    Is there a way to implement a button on a pdf file that resets the Date and time on my custom dynamic stamp? Can it be stamped with the stamp / added after

    No, it can't be done. The only thing you can do is to remove the stamp and

    apply a new instead of him in his place.

  • "Unauthorized" dynamic stamp

    I would like to 'not approved' to be dynamic and include the user's name and the date, like the "Approved" stamp   How is that possible?

  • Dynamic stamp

    I created a dynamic stamp and would like to automatically display the total number of pages in the PDF file is in.  I created a form in the patch and now I'm stuck, any help will be greatly appreciated.

    You must have added the stamp to Acrobat/Reader using stamps of the gale.

    Once you have added stamp, you must change the stamp file in the folder of the Acrobat/Reader user application user timestamp and add the form field and the value custom calculation script code:

    Event.source.source.numPages = Event.Value;

    Save the form, output PDF, exit Acrobat/Reader.

    Restart Acrobat/Reader and you the stamp must be ready to go.

  • Dynamic stamp turns after creation, why?


    Acrobat X Pro

    Windows 7 Pro

    I've been tinkering with a dynamic stamp with the filled fields/javascript user and one version (which I pounded a few months back) works fine, the second version (that I picked up recently) doesn't do so well. I have the stamp of page size, background, javascript, form text fields all worked out but after I created the stamp I noticed it turned 90 degrees to the left... Any ideas as to why? I always work with it and will report back if I find a solution.

    All/any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!


    I thought about it!

    was having the same problem and it has cost me half the morning to work.

    When I was creating the stamp, I need some comments and annotations added to 'flatten' I me print to PDF and then cropping the page to the size I wanted and then import as a stamp. in any case, when I was printing to PDF in the print, in the section "Management of Page" dialog box "Auto-Rotate and Center" option has been ticked, he forced my character to be centered and landscape page orientation. To laugh n kicks, I unchecked, change the page orientation to Portrait and my stamp image went in the upper left corner. I've clipped my result as I would normally, and to create the new custom stamp, it was right as rain. I hope this helps!

  • Dynamic stamp not pulling in the identity

    Using Adobe Acrobat 10 Standard on a Windows 7 system

    I create a custom stamp.  I went and copied the javascript code of the Dynamic.pdf file located here C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Annotations\Stamps\ENU and pasted into my custom with the stamp pdf file I want to use.  When I go to load the patch and try to use it, it is simply Stamped "good time & date".  Is not the insertion of the name "foozle" or "[identity]" as I want / need to.  I can't get this to work where he uses my 'identity' to replace the placeholder "foozle".  Please let me know what I am doing wrong.  Here is the script I use:

    Event.Value = (new Date()) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();

    AFDate_FormatEx ("' h: mm tt, mmm dd, YYYY" ");

    Event.Value = "" + ((! || identity.loginName! = (event.source.source || cela).)) Collab.User)? (event.source.source: this). Collab.User:

    + "to" + event.value;

    The only thing I'm changing in "text field properties" is the 'name' and change the color of black text.  Yes, I have my identity established in Acrobat.

    Two very important elements are missing. The first is the category of buffer, which is defined as the title of the document. I put it to "Dynamic" so it should appear with other dynamic stamps, but you can use what you want. The other element that was missing, it's that the page in the PDF stamp file isn't a model, which is what makes it a stamp. The model name must follow a particular naming convention. For dynamic buffers, it should begin with the character # followed by a skin name unique (through all the stamps), followed by the sign "=", followed by the label of stamp. For your stamp page, I put the name of the template to:

    updates #com.mcclone.stamp1 = DWGs

    If you add any other stamps, change "Timbre1" to "Timbre2", or something else so that it is not in conflict with all the other names on your system.

    Getting to the place where go you to the page model and it give a name in Acrobat 10 it should be something like: Tools > Document Processing > Page templates

    It is Acrobat, of course, no drive. After that I did what I just described, the stamp has worked very well.

    If you want to create more stamps, do you a favor and get this Book:® - without paper-Workflows/dp/0985614706

  • So where can I find custom dynamic link libraries to ensure that they are linked to trusted applications?

    Log name: System
    Source: Microsoft-Windows-Wininit
    Date: 27/05/2016 05:56:11
    Event ID: 11
    Task category: no
    Level: WARNING
    User: SYSTEM
    Computer: SearchMachineRevistied
    Custom dynamic link libraries are loaded for each application. The system administrator should review the list of libraries to ensure that they are linked to trusted applications.
    The event XML:">

    0 x 4000000000000000




    Nothing in Event Viewer, journal should defy explanation.

    Your system of driving wrong way or did you just noticed this in the event log and I wonder why see you?

    That the message trying to tell you is that your system is told to find and load at startup what are probably dll of third part of something you have installed is just an informational message / warning.

    It is possible that something you have installed/uninstalled in the past might have used this feature of Windows that you can read here if you're interested:

    You can check to see if there are all the dll specified for load and if there is not, turn off this thing and you will not see the message more.

    You have to look in the registry to see what is happening, and since there is no cancellation or exit without saving the changes in the registry editor, you should first do a manual System Restore Point and consider backup of your registry with the free and popular tool:

    The click the Start button/orb and enter in the box:


    And choose to run as administrator the Registry Editor:

    Then navigate here:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

    The AppInit_DLLs value is where none of these DLLs are specified and if yours is empty (which means that there is no dll to load) just tell Windows not to attempt to load something that does not exist.

    Check the value of LoadAppInit_DLLs and if it is set to 1, double click it and change the value to 0 (zero), close the registry editor, restart and double-check your event viewer.

    Is there something in the AppInit_DLLs field (a comma or space separated list of DLLs) then you should leave things alone because they are there for a reason any and accept the fact that you will see the informational message whenever your system boots.

  • Dynamic stamp - an undefined value


    I'm new to javascript. I have VBA experience in the past.

    I have the following code in my dynamic stamp. The problem is with the result is this line. It returns the value undefined.

    this.getField("ShopN").value = DiaBox.ShopN;

    Wanted to know if anyone could spot my mistake or point me in the right direction.

    var DiaBox =


    result: "Cancel."

    DoDialog: function() {return app.execDialog (this);};







    "RText ',:

    initialize: function (dialog)


    var dlgInit =


    'Opt1': this.cbx1,

    'Opt2': this.cbx2,

    'Opt3': this.cbx3,

    "Opt4": this.cbx4.

    "Nol": this. LText,

    "sdNum": this. ShopN,

    "lRvw": this. RText,


    Dialog.Load (dlgInit);


    commit: function (dialog)


    var oRslt = ();

    This.cbx1 = oRslt ['Opt1'];

    This.CBX2 = oRslt ['Opt2'];

    This.cbx3 = oRslt ['Opt3'];

    This.CBX4 = oRslt ["Opt4"];

    This. LText = oRslt ["Nol"];

    This. ShopN = oRslt ["sdNum"];

    This. RText = oRslt ["lRvw"];




    name: "Submittal Stamp.




    type: "display."

    char_height: 10,.




    type: 'static_text. "

    item_id: "stat."

    name: "Please select the category of revision,:

    Width: 152,

    height: 23,.

    char_width: 15,.

    alignment: "align_fill",.

    Police: 'dialogue ',.



    type: 'radio ',.

    item_id: "Opt1."

    group_id: "rado"

    name: "Approved-No. Exceptions taken."



    type: 'radio ',.

    item_id: 'Opt2. "

    group_id: "rado"

    name: "approved as not commented - no new presentation."



    type: 'radio ',.

    item_id: 'Opt3 ',.

    group_id: "rado"

    name: "approved as commented - new submission."



    type: 'radio ',.

    item_id: "Opt4."

    group_id: "rado"

    name: "rejected-respect with comments."



    type: 'static_text. "

    item_id: "statl."

    name: "job number:",

    Width: 25

    height: 15.

    char_width: 15,.

    alignment: 'align_left,

    Police: 'dialogue ',.



    type: 'edit_text. "

    item_id: "Nol"

    height: 20.

    char_width: 10,.

    char_height: 10,.

    alignment: 'align_left,

    name: "Proj. "Number of".



    type: 'static_text. "

    item_id: "statsd."

    name: "workshop drawing number,:

    Width: 25

    height: 15.

    char_width: 15,.

    alignment: 'align_left,

    Police: 'dialogue ',.



    type: 'edit_text. "

    item_id: "sdNum."

    height: 20.

    char_width: 10,.

    char_height: 10,.

    alignment: 'align_left,

    name: «shop Dwg Number. "



    type: 'static_text. "

    item_id: "start."

    name: "reviewer,:

    Width: 50

    height: 15.

    char_width: 15,.

    alignment: 'align_left,

    Police: 'dialogue ',.



    type: 'edit_text. "

    item_id: "lRvw."

    height: 20.

    char_width: 10,.

    char_height: 10,.

    alignment: 'align_left,

    name: "Reviewer."



    type: "ok_cancel."







    If (event.source.forReal & & (event.source.stampName == "#qeSrVnbmgzmy5-DHsVTkLD"))


    If ('ok' is app.execDialog (DiaBox))


    this.getField("cbx1").checkThisBox (0, DiaBox.cbx1);

    this.getField("cbx2").checkThisBox (0, DiaBox.cbx2);

    this.getField("cbx3").checkThisBox (0, DiaBox.cbx3);

    this.getField("cbx4").checkThisBox (0, DiaBox.cbx4);

    this.getField("LText").value = DiaBox.LText;

    this.getField("ShopN").value = DiaBox.ShopN;

    this.getField("RText").value = DiaBox.RText

    this.getField("Date").value = util.printd ("mm/dd/yyyy", new Date ());



    Item ID cannot have four letters, the ID corresponding to this field is "sdNum" - and therefore five characters.

  • Multiple/other dynamic stamps?

    I tried to add a variation on a theme for my existing dynamic stamp which worked perfectly and request the user to enter text for each form field which must be filled and then today added successfully.

    Now, when I use the original stamp he asks me questions and those for the additional stamp.

    When I use the stamp on page 3, it places only the stamp with no queries.

    I think it's to do with the definition of event.source.stampName in javascript, I guess the second stamp has a different name, but I do not know how to find the new name if it has one?

    Barrel var = "enter the provider."
    CTitre var = 'provider (PMI);

    if(Event.source.forReal &&)
    (event.source.stampName is "#puSbQNir5_MOMXPXKxkHrC"))
    CMSG var = app.response (barrel, CTitre);
    Event.Value = CMSG; = CMSG;


    PS) I copied two and renamed the stamp in stamp form fields, this could be the problem, I have to start over again?

    PPS) Adobe automatically combined the two stamps in a single pdf file of stamp that was not my goal.

    Thank you Alex.

    You can find the name of internal stamp by putting your stamp on the document. Then, you talk about the JavaScript console. Now select your stamp, and run the following command in the JavaScript console:


    The two stamps in the same document is not a problem, but you can certainly save different stamps in two files. If they must be part of the same stamp category, it makes sense to save them in the same stamp file.

  • Need to change the name on a dynamic stamp

    How can I change the name on a dynamic stamp in Adobe Acrobat Reader ms? I use the APPROVED stamp and on my computer, it says ' check in time, date "but on other computers of colleague, he made his name. Does anyone know how can I fix?

    I just find it! He was under "Edit identity" when I right click on the stamp!

  • Dynamic stamp will not be printed in hard copy

    Dynamic stamp will not be printed in hard copy

    Hi carterr29089433,

    Make sure that you have selected 'Document & annotations' in the print dialogue box just print the file.

    It it does not work, try to print as image Quick fix | Print PDFS into image. Acrobat, Reader.

    Kind regards

  • Trying to change stamps to take account of what I mean. How can I change the name of a dynamic stamps

    How can I change the name of the dynamic stamp?

    The name of stamp is part of the name of the page template in the file stamp, so to change it, you can open the stamp file and change the name of the template for the stamp in question. Exactly how do you this depends on which version of Acrobat you are using.

    Acrobat 9: Advanced > Document processing > models

    Acrobat 10/11: Tools > Document processing > models

    Acrobat DC: Tools > organize Pages > more > models

  • problems with the placement of dynamic stamps on javascript

    I can place a stamp with:

    this.addAnnot ({page: this.pageNum, type: 'Stamp', AP: 'Project', rect:[144,72,144,72]});})

    everything works fine, but if I change the static a dynamic stamp stamp (for example, approved with name and date), I only get a black rectangle with a cross inside.

    I checked the name of stamp to choose the right pair. As I said before with static stamps without problem.

    I use the XI Version of Acrobat 11.0.11

    Any hint of what goes wrong?


    This occurs when you use the wrong value of AP, which is not the same as the name of the stamp you see in the stamps palette.

    The best way to get the correct value of AP is to apply the patch manually, then select it with the mouse and run this code in the console:

    this.selectedAnnots [0]. AP

    Then use the value that is printed in your code.

  • place a box of signature after stamping with a dynamic stamp


    I'm not sure of how to call the position where the dynamic stamp was placed in the document from inside, the calculation of the stamp script.

    I have a dynamic stamp which prompts the user to enter information, and then fills the stamp. what I'm trying to do is to put a signature under the stamp box after that the success of the user submitted on the dialogue window. I have the script to place the box, I don't know how do to the situation where the stamp was placed before the dialog box has been submitted and the stamp appears on the document.

    The fact that the application knows where the stamp will be placed does not mean that a script has access to this information.

  • How To Create Dynamic Stamp In Adobe Acrobat


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