Cartoon t shirts – yes – and then when you're all done… complete with a cool new design that you come up with!

This lesson will be helpful to you, especially if you're looking to try out different designs, logos, etc. – something you might want to sport on a piece of clothing.

Then again – it'll also help you draw a t-shirt… perhaps for a cartoon character to wear!?

Let's get started!

First Step – Drawing a Simple T Shirt Framework

About a cross or 'small t' – here's a simple way to go about mapping out the design of your clothing. Notice in the middle – the green circle. I added this, as it marks off the general area, where some design/logo would usually go.

Here it is…

Framework for drawing cartoon t shirts

Drawing a framework for cartoon t shirts

Ummm – NO! That doesn't look at all like a shirt! Very true… but – it can be very helpful for mapping out the shape of it ahead of time. Even if you don't sketch it out… lightly underneath your permanent lines… you can certainly make a mental map.

OK – now for the clothing!

Second Step – How to Draw Cartoon T Shirts

Here you can better appreciate the pattern from above. Just lets you mark off the key areas a bit faster and with less frustration – as you've already mapped out distances, etc. ahead of time. And this is especially helpful – when the design – is your focus.

On to the steps…

Drawing the openings on a cartoon t shirt

Completing the top of the cartoon t shirt

Joining the lines of the cartoon t shirt

Adding details to the cartoon t shirt

Drawing of a cartoon t shirt

It's that desk lamp again! Yes – I don't know… I've always liked this character… created it some time ago. But of course – you can add a unique logo/character of your own. Experiment with different looks, colors, etc. And then…

Make it into an actual T Shirt! 🙂