
Az Deer Draw Results 2019

2020 western hunting application deadlines

2019 Montana mule deer. Photo credit: Brady Miller

Every year while working on this article it seems hard to believe that the next year's application season is about to start. Exciting times are ahead as we all start to plan out our 2020 hunting season!

2020 dates and deadlines

In the table below you will find the tentative 2020 state application deadlines and tentative draw result dates. These dates will be modified as each state releases more information. Currently, they are based on previous years' deadlines/results by looking at what day of the week they are typically released or even the exact calendar date they tend to follow. And sometimes, unfortunately, there is no pattern, so I'm left to really analyze prior-year deadlines.

Note on draw result dates

Waiting on draw results can seem to take forever! And I'm just like everyone else that waits for results all year and then is constantly pressing the refresh button. Currently, the draw result dates are each based somewhat on when the 2019 and earlier year results were released.Keep in mind: each year we get questions on why our draw result dates don't exactly match up with what you might find in the regulations. And stay with me here... but for the most part, our draw results dates listed are actually more accurate based on the trends of how some states release their draw odds early every year. Most states go on a typical trend in releasing draw results and a lot of times they release them well before their listed date in the regulations. For example, Nevada and New Mexico list their draw result date in their regulations, but they always release them earlier than that.

Also, tentative application deadlines are used until each state release their 2020 regulations.

2020 State Application Deadlines, Draw Result Dates and Application Strategy Articles

Application Deadline
(bold are final dates)
State Species Strategy Article
Release Date
2019 Draw Result Date
(actual date of release)
Potential 2020
Draw Result Date
NA Idaho Deer & Elk over-the-counter* November 29 NA NA
December 15
South Dakota Preference Points NA NA NA
December 16
Alaska Moose, Caribou, Dall Sheep, Mountain Goat,
Brown/Grizzly Bear, Black Bear, Bison, Muskox,
Roosevelt Elk
November 27 2019 draw results:
Feb. 15
2020 draw result release date:
Feb. 21

See 2020 results here
January 31
Wyoming Nonresident Elk January 10 2019 draw results:
Feb. 21 @ 10:00am MST
2020 draw result release date:
May 21
See 2020 results here
February 10
Oregon Black Bear NA 2019 draw results:
Feb. 21
2020 draw result release date:
Feb. 20
See 2020 results here
February 11
Arizona Elk, Antelope Elk - January 24
Antelope - January 27
2019 CC hit: March 1
2019 date: March 8
(Portal Account results)
2020 CC hit: Feb. 28
2020 draw result release date:
March 5

See 2020 results here
February 12
New Mexico Black Bear NA -- 2020 draw result release date:
Feb. 19
See 2020 results here
February 15
Idaho Black Bear
(spring controlled)
NA -- 2020 draw result release date:
Feb. 21

See 2020 results here
February 24
Utah Black Bear NA 2019 draw results:
March 6
2020 draw result release date:
March 4

See 2020 results here
February 27
Arizona CC Update Deadline
(Elk, Antelope)
NA -- --
February 28
Washington Black Bear NA 2019 draw results:
March 13
2020 draw result date:
March 11

See 2020 results here
March 2
Wyoming Moose, Bighorn Sheep,
Mountain Goat
Feb. 13 2019 draw results:
May 9
@ 9 a.m. PST
2020 draw result date:
May 5
See 2020 results here
March 5
Utah Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk, Sheep,
Moose, Mountain Goat
(All Species)
Elk & Antelope - Feb. 20
Deer - Feb. 24
Sheep, Moose, Goat - Feb. 25
2019 CC hit date: May 10
2019 result date: May 13 - Emails sent
2020 CC hit date: May 12
2020 result date: May 15 - emails sent
March 9
Nevada Mule Deer
Guided Draw
Jan. 31 2019 draw results: March 28
(results were emailed)
Results were emailed
March 18
New Mexico Guided Draw
(All Species)
Feb. 15 2019 draw results:
April 17
2020 draw result date:
April 22
See 2020 results here
March 18
New Mexico Barbary sheep, bighorn sheep, deer, elk,
ibex, javelina, antelope & oryx
Deer/Elk - Mar. 11
Sheep/Antelope - Mar. 3
Exotics - Mar. 9
2019 draw results:
April 17
2020 draw result date:
April 22
See 2020 results here
March 19
Utah Bonus Point OR
Application Withdraw
Mar. 16 NA NA
NA Arizona Leftover Elk/Antelope Permits Mar. 11 Available:
March 18
March 23
March 25
North Dakota Bighorn Sheep, Elk, Moose NA 2019 draw results
(elk & moose):
April 18
2020 elk & moose results:
April 9
See 2020 results here
March 31
Wyoming Bison Feb. 13 NA 2020 draw result date:
May 5
See 2020 results here
April 1
Montana Deer, Elk Elk - Feb. 19
Deer - Feb. 27
2019 draw results:
April 22
2020 draw result date:
April 14
See 2020 results here
April 1
South Dakota Deer Season - Archery
NA 2019 draw results:
April 17
Tentative 2020:
April 15
April 7
Colorado Mule deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope,
Bighorn Sheep, Moose, Mountain Goat
Deer - Mar. 12
Elk, Antelope - Mar. 6
Sheep, Moose, Goat - Mar. 16
Sheep & Goat
2019 draw results: May 3

Deer, Elk, Moose, Antelope:
2019 draw results: June 5

2020 sheep & goat draw results:
May 1
2020 moose draw results:
June 1
2020 deer draw results:
June 3
2020 elk & antelope draw results:
June 4
See 2020 results here
April 15
Wyoming Modify/withdraw:
Moose, Bighorn Sheep,
Mountain Goat, Bison
April 17
South Dakota Special Buck NA -- --
April 24
Kansas Nonresident Deer April 6 2019 draw results:
May 27
2020 draw result date:
May 21
See 2020 results here
April 30
Idaho Moose, Bighorn Sheep,
Mountain Goat
March 25 2019 draw results:
May 17
2020 draw result date:
May 15
See 2020 results here
May 1
Montana Moose, Bighorn Sheep,
Mountain Goat, Bison
March 30 2019 draw results:
June 17
2020 draw result date:
May 11
See 2020 results here
May 4
Nevada Mule Deer, Elk, Antelope, Rocky Bighorn Sheep,
Desert Bighorn Sheep, California Bighorn Sheep,
Mountain Goat, Black Bear
Deer - April 16
Elk & Antelope - 21
Sheep, Goat - April 7
2019 draw results:
May 24
2020 draw result date:
Started releasing at 11:45 pm on May 19
See 2020 results here
May 8
Wyoming Nonresident Elk Modify/Withdraw NA NA NA
May 11
Nevada Bonus Point Application and
Application Withdrawl Period
May 15
Oregon Deer, Elk, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep,
Mountain Goat
Deer - April 27
Elk, Antelope - April 23
Sheep, Mtn Goat -  April 29
2019 draw results:
June 19
2020 draw result date:
June 20
See 2020 results here
May 20 - online
South Dakota Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat NA 2019 draw results:
Early June
Tentative 2020:
Early June
May 21
Washington Deer, Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat,
Deer, Elk - May 7
Sheep, Moose, Goat - May 11
2019 draw results:
June 13
2020 draw result date:
June 10
See 2020 results here
June 1
Wyoming Resident Elk January 10 2019 draw results:
June 20
2020 draw result date:
June 18
See 2020 results here
June 1
Wyoming Deer, Antelope Deer, Antelope - May 5 2019 draw results:
June 20
2020 draw result date:
June 18
See 2020 results here
June 1
Montana Antelope, Deer B, Elk B,
Antelope B
Antelope - April 28 2019 archery results: July 15
2019 rifle results: Aug. 8
2020 draw result for 900-20 antelope,
deer B, elk B:

June 11
Rifle antelope and antelope B results:
Aug. 6
See if you drew here
June 2
California Deer, Elk, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep Elk, Sheep - May 15
Deer, Antelope - May 21
2019 draw results:
June 11
2020 draw results date:
June 11
See 2020 results here
June 3
North Dakota Deer NA 2019 draw results:
June 25
2020 Tentative:
June 23
June 5
Idaho Deer, Elk,
Antelope, Fall Bear (controlled)
Elk, Deer, Antelope - April 22 2019 draw results:
June 25
2020 draw result date:
June 19
See if you drew here
June 7
Iowa Whitetail NA 2019 draw results:
June 21
2020 draw result date:
June 26
See if you drew here
June 9
Arizona Deer, Bighorn Sheep, Bison Deer, Sheep, Bison - May 13 2019 draw results:
July 5 (Portal)
2020 draw results:
July 2 (Portal)
See if you drew here
June 12
Kansas Kansas Elk, Antelope & Resident Deer NA -- --
June 12
South Dakota Deer Muzzleloader, West River, East River, Black Hills
Custer State Park, NWR Deer
NA 2019 draw results:
June 27
2020 draw results:
June 25
See if you drew here
June 15
Nevada Big Game Second Draw May 21 2019 draw results:
July 12
2020 draw results:
July 7 - emailed
June 17
South Dakota 2nd draw for Black Hills, Archery
and Prarie Elk
NA -- --
June 18
Utah Antlerless Elk and Deer June 11 2019 draw results:
July 11, 2019
2020 draw results:
June 30 - emailed
June 22
Nevada Second Draw Points** NA NA NA
June 24 & 25
New Mexico New Mexico leftover tags June 9 NA NA
June 22 to 26
Wyoming Leftover Deer, Elk,
June 18 2019 draw results:
July 11
2020 draw results:
July 9
See if you drew here
July 7
Colorado Second Draw Feb. 20 - announcement
June 5 - tag list
NA 2020 draw results:
July 17
See if you drew here
July 7
Montana Montana nonresident alternate list May 22 NA 2020 list results:
July 17
See your number here
Available July 13
Wyoming Resident OTC Deer, Elk Licenses Available NA NA NA
Available July 13
Wyoming Leftover Deer, Elk,
Antelope (First Come, First Served)
Available July 16
Utah Utah Remaining Limited Entry, Leftover General Elk July 8 NA NA
Available July 21
Utah Utah Remaining General Season Deer and Youth July 8 NA NA
Available July 20
Arizona Leftover Mule Deer, Coues Deer, Javelina July 8 NA NA
Available July 24
Nevada First Come, First Served Available NA NA NA
Paper: July 17
Online: July 22
South Dakota 2nd draw for East River, West River
and Refuge Deer
NA -- --
July 24
North Dakota Resident Only 2nd Deer Drawing NA -- --
July 27
Arizona First-come-first-served leftover tags available NA Available July 29 NA
Available August 4
Colorado Leftover Deer, Elk, Antelope Aug. 3 Available starting August 4 NA
August 5
North Dakota Antelope NA 2019 draw results:
August 14
Tentative 2020:
August 12
August 7
Montana Deer, Elk Permits, Deer B, Elk B Surplus List Signup July 17 -- --
August 15
Idaho 2nd Controlled Draw Early Aug. 2019 draw results:
August 22
2020 draw results:
August 20
See if you drew here
August 24
Montana Antelope, Antelope B,
Special Mtn. Lion Surplus List Signup
July 17 -- --
October 13
Arizona Spring Bison, Black Bear &
NA 2019 draw results:
Oct. 30

2020 draw results:
November 5
See if you drew here

* December 1, 2019 was the first day that nonresidents could start to purchase deer and elk tags (except Sawtooth elk tags). See more info here.
** During Nevada's second draw, you can pick up points only for the species with hunts available in the second draw.
Note: I've included some states that we currently don't cover on INSIDER for reference.

Bonus/Preference Point Only Deadlines

(These are states that have a separate point only period available after the main draw)

State Species State deadline
South Dakota Deer December 15
Utah All Species January 30 to March 19
Nevada All Species May 11
Kansas Whitetail Nonresident - April 24
Resident - June 12
Iowa Whitetail June 7
Montana All Species July 1 to Sept. 30
Oregon All Species July 1 to Nov. 30
Wyoming Antelope, Deer, Elk,
Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Moose
July 1 to Nov. 2
(extended date for 2020)

Other items worth noting

You can also see all of the important western hunting deadlines on our INSIDER Basecamp page. That is sort of like your INSIDER "homepage." You can find a quick link to Basecamp in the upper right-hand corner of the screen if you click on the INSIDER button. We keep that page updated with all the latest dates, deadlines and important INSIDER information.

If you're new to goHUNT, we release state-by-state INSIDER Application Strategy Articles three to four weeks before each state deadline. We feel this is the perfect length of time for you to check out the new for 2020 regulations, unit boundary changes, herd dieoff information, and tag allocation changes before you try to draw your dream tag. Keep in mind, that you can always research for your upcoming season by utilizing our Filtering 2.0 tools well before we release each state's application strategy article.

Another benefit to our online presence is you will have access to the latest and best information possible to help you prepare for hunts (we don't have to rush to publish tentative application information to meet print deadlines). Also, once an application strategy article is released, INSIDERs will be able to click on the date of release in the table below to view the entire application strategy article.

Application season can be very overwhelming and we try to keep it simple with an easy to follow schedule of article release dates. Some of the Application Strategy articles are released within a small window, but that is done to ensure we are providing the best possible information to our users. Different states release their regulations and herd information at tight windows to the application deadline. So we strive to release these articles with all the information possible.

Best of luck in the 2020 draws! And as always, feel free to reach out to us at any time if you have questions.

goHUNT's INSIDER Research Tools

Az Deer Draw Results 2019


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